The Do’s and Don’ts of Portable Generators

When the power goes out in your home, whether unexpectedly or due to a major storm, nothing feels as good as knowing that you have a generator to back you up. But before you run right to it and turn that baby on, you need to know how to properly operate such a large system in a way that won’t pose any threat to you, your family or your home. Let’s take a look at some of the top three do’s and don’ts for doing so.

Generator Installation Suffolk County

The “Do’s”

  1. Inspect all cords and wires that you plan to plug into your generator to make sure that they aren’t frayed or in poor condition.
  2. Always use heavy duty, grounded extension cords when it comes time to plug things into your generator. Without the proper grounding, you put yourself at risk for being electrocuted.
  3. Use fresh gasoline to power your generator, especially if it hasn’t been used in quite some time. In cases where your generator sits for a while, you’ll also want to consider using a gasoline stabilizer.

The “Don’ts”

  1. Run your generator indoors or in an attached garage. Being that generators are systems that produce carbon monoxide, they should also be kept a good distance away from your windows and doors so that the fumes don’t take over your home.
  2. Refill your gas supply while the generator is turned on and running. If you need to add more gas to your system, turn it off completely and give it some time to cool down first.
  3. Allow your generator to run when exposed to rain or snow. Should you need to use it during a storm, make sure it’s covered – portable generators should always be kept dry.

For those of you on Long Island like us, you’re certainly no stranger to power outages, which makes it even more important for you to be prepared with a generator! Here at TFC Electric Inc., we can help you determine if a portable or stationary generator is best for your home and will provide all of the instruction you need to use it safely.

To learn more about our generator installation services, please call (631) 589-2800.

May 24, 2016