
5 Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips to Keep in Mind This Summer

Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips

In honor of Electrical Safety Month, we at TFC Electric want to remind you of these outdoor electrical tips that will keep you and your family safe:

Be aware of overhead lines

If you are trimming trees, be mindful of your overhead utility lines. If you are using a metal ladder, be sure to stay at least 10 feet away from all power lines.

Be mindful of equipment safety

Inspect all electrical tools before use to ensure there is no damage to wiring or power cords. When adding attachments, be sure to unplug and place the tool in the “lock” position.

Watch your loved ones

Before operating any electrical equipment, be sure all kids and pets are at a safe distance.

Properly store your tools

All electrical tools should be properly put away where children or pets can’t access them. If left outdoors, they are susceptible to damage from water or excessive heat.

Use the right extension cords

All power cords should be examined, and any damaged ones replaced. Be sure that you are using a weather-resistant cord that is marked for outdoor use. Always keep electrical cords away from standing water, and never string multiple cords together.

Check your outdoor outlets

Any outdoor outlets should be Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) and covered with a waterproof outlet. An electrical inspection can always help reassure you that they are safe and up to code.

At TFC Electric, we provide 24/7 emergency electrical services to homes and business in Suffolk County, Long Island. If you have any type of power disruption, water or fire damage, or any other troubleshooting issue that needs to be fixed immediately, our trained technicians are available. Call us anytime at (631) 589-2800.

May 3, 2017