
What You Need To Know About Generators

If you are a Long Islander, you know that owning a generator can help you weather any storm. Unfortunately, people are killed in generator related accidents each year. That’s why it is important for people to use generators properly. Below are some tips on how to safely operate a generator.

More Power To You
Pick a generator that supplies you with more power than you need. A qualified
electrician from TFC Electric can calculate this for you, based on which
appliances will be connected to the generator.

Getting Plugged In
Homeowners should use caution when powering up their generators. Portable generators should never be used indoors; as it could result in carbon monoxide
poisoning. Plugging a generator into a wall outlet is called “backfeeding”
and is extremely dangerous. Never hook up a generator to your home’s
electrical wiring, as it could led to electrocution.

Contact An Electrician
Are you unsure of how to properly operate a generator? If so, do not attempt a DIY project under any circumstances. Just turn to the licensed and insured
electricians at TFC Electric instead. We are aware of the national,
state and local electrical codes. Call 631-589-2800 today to schedule

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May 6, 2015