The Space Heating Safety Tips You Should Know

The cold weather is upon us, so that can only mean one thing–homeowners will be dusting off their space heaters. Portable space heaters are a great way to supply your home with additional heat in the winter. However, if not properly used they can also cause a fire or electrical shock. As you begin breaking out the space heaters, keeps these tips in mind.

space heaterRead Instructions

Prior to using a space heater, read the warning label. The label should also let you know whether or not the space heater was tested for safety in a laboratory.

Check the Quality

Never use a space heater that has frayed or damaged wiring. If you discover this type of damage, you may have to purchase a new space heater.

Don’t Forget to Shut it Off

Do not leave your space heater on when you are not in the room. Remember to turn off and unplug the space heater if you are leaving the house or going to bed.

Keep Your Distance

Remember that even space heaters need their space. Keep all flammable objects and materials at least 3 feet away from the unit.

Watch Where You Plug

Do not plug your space heater into an extension cord or power strip, as it can start a fire. Plug your space heater directly into a wall outlet.

At TFC Electric, your safety is our number one priority. If you experience an electrical emergency this winter, call 631-589-2800 immediately. We can troubleshoot and safely restore your electrical system. We can deliver peace of mind for you and your family.



January 23, 2018