
4 Obvious Reasons Why Your Electric Bill Is So High

Electrician Smithtown | Electrician Hamptons | TFC Electric Inc.

If there’s one expense homeowners can’t escape, it’s their electric bill. And while we previously shared some tips on how homeowners can work on reducing it, we know that there’s still a need for the answer to why electric bills can be so high sometimes. Lucky for you, today we’re sharing our insight on the topic:

Your air conditioner.
The seasons have a lot to do with your electric bill, and summer is a prime time for energy costs to skyrocket. As temperatures rise so does the need to have your A/C on for longer, and your air conditioner is one appliance that eats up a ton of energy. Note: don’t be surprised if you see another increase in your bill once you turn the heat on too.

Your washer/dryer and dishwasher.
Just like your air conditioner, your washer/dryer and dishwasher use a lot of energy to operate – this is one reason why it’s so important to only turn these on when you have a full load of clothes or dishes to wash.

Your appliances are old.
Speaking of appliances, if yours are on the older side, they’re probably not as efficient as they once were. That said, they’re also probably using a lot more energy than newer models would!

You’re leaving things plugged in.
Appliances such as your air conditioner may be to blame, but your habits may be to blame too. Start to keep track of how long you leave your phone charger plugged in even when the phone is done charging, and also monitor things like how often you leave the lights on when you leave the room. Those these examples may seem insignificant, they can have a big impact on your bill.

Although some of the above have more costly solutions, such as replacing old appliances, other solutions are FREE and just require you to be a bit more conscientious, such as unplugging all electronics once you’re done using them. Knowing this, we encourage you to focus on making smart choices around your home over the next few months – your electric bill (and your wallet) will thank you!

TFC Electric Inc. provides top-of-the-line electrical services to customers in Suffolk County, New York. To learn more about what is offered or to make an appointment, please call (631) 589-2800 today.

September 19, 2016