
How To Prepare For A Power Outage

When a storm strikes and a power outage hits, young children may not think twice as they sit and wait for the lights to come back on – in fact, they might even say sitting in the dark is fun for a bit. However, as we get older we realize that a power outage is no longer just fun and games, especially when you have a family and a home to care for.

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Although a power outage can be frustrating, being properly prepared can take away a lot of the stress that ensues as you sit and wait for help to arrive. Thanks to the Red Cross, today we’re sharing a few of our favorite things that you can do to get your home ready for an event like this:

Put together an emergency preparedness kit.
Especially in the event that a power outage lasts for more than two hours, you’ll need to have certain supplies handy to keep everyone comfortable, safe and healthy. A few things to include in your kit are:

  • Water – you should have one gallon of water available for each person in your home, for each day of the outage.
  • Non-perishable foods that are easy to prepare – for example, crackers, cereal, canned soups, dried fruits and canned vegetables.
  • A flashlight with an extra set of batteries in case the current ones should go bad.
  • A battery powered radio for weather and news updates (especially important if your phone, computer or tablet should run out of charge).
  • First aid materials, such as medications, bandages and a thermometer.
  • Important family documents and an emergency contact list.

Prepare your kitchen with the right items.
A common concern with prolonged power outages is that they can cause our food to spoil. In addition to having a supply of non-perishable food items at the ready, you’ll also want to have these items in your kitchen:

  • Ice – even if your refrigerator and freezer aren’t working, you can place your cold foods in a cooler with ice to keep them good for longer.
  • A styrofoam cooler (or two) – though any cooler should help you with your food preservation efforts, the Red Cross specifically recommends using styrofoam products.
  • A quick-response thermometer – it’s extremely important to make sure that you’re being safe with the foods that you are able to eat, so use a digital thermometer to check the temperature of cold foods before preparing and serving them.

Have a backup generator.
One of the best things you can do to be prepared for a power outage is to have a backup generator ready for you to use. Especially in situations like the recent Hurricane Sandy where Long Island residents were without power for days, and some even weeks, a backup generator can help restore power while you wait for professionals to arrive.

At TFC Electric Inc., we can help you figure out whether a stationary or portable generator is best for your home and assist with the installation process so that you’re as prepared as possible for any future power outages.

To speak with one of our electricians about our generator installation services, please call (631) 589-2800.

July 13, 2016